Hello, my name is Adam.
I have a story to tell.
A long time ago I made a mistake, it was called a sin.
I found myself able to look back on that event and realize just how far I’ve come.
I’ve been shaken (struck by lightning), brought down (struggled to survive in LA), sustained (I didn’t have much, but I never needed anything), until I finally asked for God’s direction. I resolved to repent and develop my talent (reason for being). I am to lead the development of mankind, to develop the perfect community of Agape’.
I now am able to realize how wonderful it is to be back in the garden! (Prosperity again).
I no longer blame Eve for my weakness. Looking back, now, I realize that I have never really tried to understand what happened I only vaguely remember the garden. I really missed the tree of life.
There are so many beautiful things in this world. I am seeing more and more of that as I awake to the realization of again providing for the people – all of the people.
I again am living in the garden (Seattle) and I know I will find the tree of life.